For the past week I've been busily jumping back and forth between my original manuscript and the one with all the editorial marks and highlights and comments attempting to correct the myriad of things the editor thought was wrong or needed work. For the most part, I've been perfectly fine with what she wanted. Oh, sure, I didn't agree with her that dialect as used by a character was bad and it was obvious she didn't get the fact that in a couple of places characters were using 1920's slang, but overall, her comments made sense. Except...for the prologue.
I'll admit, I generally like prologues. I find them interesting and they make me want to read more to find out how they fit into the grand scheme of the story but I have come to find that this is not universal. In fact, many despise prologues and some of those despisers include publishers. My editor and agent apparently feel the same way because they told me to lose the prologue.
This makes me unhappy. I like my prologue! In some ways, it's my favorite part of the whole story! It's action packed, mysterious and is the key to later events. Too bad, I was told, put that information elsewhere. So, I'm trying to figure out how to do that. The whole key to this story is the main character doesn't know this information. If I put in in how they suggest (i.e. the MC sees this happen later in the book) it could necessitate rewriting the entire second half of the book! I really don't like that idea.
But, on the other hand, if I am using an agent it is because I trust her judgement on these things. I think it's safe to say that overall, she is more in tune with what publishers are looking for than I am and if she says they hate prologues, who am I to argue (despite the fact that the last two books I read had them!)? I shall attempt to insert the scene later in the story but in such a way that the MC either doesn't see anything too crucial to later events or doesn't understand what she's seen.
And if that doesn't work, I'll just delete the word "Prologue" and replace it with "Chapter One" and see what happens!
One woman's winding path as she navigates the uncertain world of writing and seeking publication.

Friday, February 25, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What Do You Mean It's Not Perfect!?
Today, I got my first ever manuscript back from my agent. Of course, I expected nothing but rave reviews, glowing comments on just how perfect it all was and wasn't I absolutely amazing!? Ha. Not likely! The reality of submitting a manuscript is that no matter how perfect you personally think it is the editor is going to burst your little bubble mighty quick!
The email started out saying that after my agent's intern had gone through it, they felt that it would need substantial rewriting before the agent herself would look at it. Hmm. I thought. That doesn't sound good... So, I started reading through the editor's notes and comments. Fortunately, she felt the story itself was solid but there were things in the construction that needed work. Do I necessarily agree with everything she suggested, no. But will I attempt to make the changes? Absolutely! I figure they know the publishing world a whole lot better than I do, so I should trust their expertise. After all, that is why I'm working with an agent as opposed to trying to market the manuscript myself.
So, after I get over the initial shock of not having written the Perfect Novel, I shall buckle down and see what I can do to remedy the situation. My agent's goal is not to rip my ego to shreds but to help me put together the best book possible in the hopes it will sell. I mean, how many times have we all read books that obviously could have used a bit more editing before being published? That's one of the ongoing complaints about self-published manuscripts - they often cry out for the hand of a good editor!
So, here's to my editor and the hopes I can fulfill her requests so that we both are satisfied with the final product (and that I make billions of dollars and can live the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous!)
The email started out saying that after my agent's intern had gone through it, they felt that it would need substantial rewriting before the agent herself would look at it. Hmm. I thought. That doesn't sound good... So, I started reading through the editor's notes and comments. Fortunately, she felt the story itself was solid but there were things in the construction that needed work. Do I necessarily agree with everything she suggested, no. But will I attempt to make the changes? Absolutely! I figure they know the publishing world a whole lot better than I do, so I should trust their expertise. After all, that is why I'm working with an agent as opposed to trying to market the manuscript myself.
So, after I get over the initial shock of not having written the Perfect Novel, I shall buckle down and see what I can do to remedy the situation. My agent's goal is not to rip my ego to shreds but to help me put together the best book possible in the hopes it will sell. I mean, how many times have we all read books that obviously could have used a bit more editing before being published? That's one of the ongoing complaints about self-published manuscripts - they often cry out for the hand of a good editor!
So, here's to my editor and the hopes I can fulfill her requests so that we both are satisfied with the final product (and that I make billions of dollars and can live the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous!)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Why a blog?
All my life I have dreamed of being a writer. When I was a kid, I wrote and illustrated stories all the time. When I lived in Norway and didn't have access to many books in English, I made story books for my 2 yr old. In my head, I always figured I would one day write a novel. I was finally inspired to do so when my friend Mackie, told me about National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) where the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I was hooked!
When November 2009 rolled around, I had a story in mind. It would a book for kids and contain all the elements I loved when I was young - ghosts, missing treasure, time travel, danger! It was all there. When it was done, I had people read it to see what they thought. Should I pursue publication or stick it in a drawer someplace and deny it ever happened? Everyone said try to get it published! So, I decided to take the next step and submitted it to an agent.
Dawn and I had actually been pen pals for many years and so she was the first person that came to mind. I mean, how many literary agents do I know off hand?! Dawn agreed to take it on so now we're in the editing stage and I grimly await the return of my beloved "perfect" manuscript with all the things she thinks should be changed!
As I have stumbled along this pathway of seeking publication, one thing I have heard time and time again is: Yeah, a publisher might decide to publish your book but it's up to YOU to promote it and get it sold! I find this a daunting task. Self-promotion is an alien concept to me and makes me very uncomfortable. must be done and one thing everyone said you should do is...BLOG!
So, here I am trying to figure out how to write a blog and make a nifty looking page and impress potential readers. *sigh* It's harder than it looks! At this point, all I want to do is get it figured out and hopefully make it look decent and not sound like a total dweeb!
And so today, on my 54th birthday, I shall push the Publish Post button and join the ranks of other hopeful authors and their blogs and together we shall change the universe for dreamers everywhere!!!!...or not...
When November 2009 rolled around, I had a story in mind. It would a book for kids and contain all the elements I loved when I was young - ghosts, missing treasure, time travel, danger! It was all there. When it was done, I had people read it to see what they thought. Should I pursue publication or stick it in a drawer someplace and deny it ever happened? Everyone said try to get it published! So, I decided to take the next step and submitted it to an agent.
Dawn and I had actually been pen pals for many years and so she was the first person that came to mind. I mean, how many literary agents do I know off hand?! Dawn agreed to take it on so now we're in the editing stage and I grimly await the return of my beloved "perfect" manuscript with all the things she thinks should be changed!
As I have stumbled along this pathway of seeking publication, one thing I have heard time and time again is: Yeah, a publisher might decide to publish your book but it's up to YOU to promote it and get it sold! I find this a daunting task. Self-promotion is an alien concept to me and makes me very uncomfortable. must be done and one thing everyone said you should do is...BLOG!
So, here I am trying to figure out how to write a blog and make a nifty looking page and impress potential readers. *sigh* It's harder than it looks! At this point, all I want to do is get it figured out and hopefully make it look decent and not sound like a total dweeb!
And so today, on my 54th birthday, I shall push the Publish Post button and join the ranks of other hopeful authors and their blogs and together we shall change the universe for dreamers everywhere!!!!...or not...
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